Essay writing


English Education for Everyone
Learning a language has been done by humans since birth.  Learn language starts from learning mother tongue, which is a natural thing natural.  But it is different from learning a second language or a foreign language. Briefly Littlewood (1984: 3) distinguishes these two terms namely "a "Second" language has social functions within the community where it is learned (e.g., as a lingua franca or as the language of another social group), whereas a "Foreign" language is learned primarily for contact outside one's own community ".  This opinion means that the second language has a function social in the society in which this is studied (for example, as the lingua franca or the language of other social groups), while foreign languages ​​are studied primarily for relationships outside the community itself.

Language is a means of communication between people. Through the language of the message and the intention to be conveyed by someone can be accepted and understood by others. Language has a very important role so that it can be said that language is an asset to carry on life. In Indonesia there are a variety of verbal languages ​​that characterize each ethnic group. As for dealing with people of different ethnic groups, a unifying language is Indonesian. As a unifying language, Indonesian is used in everyday life, especially in big cities where the community consists of various ethnic groups.
