Essay writing individual

Nam    : Rasdi F. Mahmud
Npm    : 03061811010(A/IV) 
Subject: Essay writing


English Education for Everyone
Learning a language has been done by humans since birth.  Learn language starts from learning mother tongue, which is a natural thing natural.  But it is different from learning a second language or a foreign language. Briefly Littlewood (1984: 3) distinguishes these two terms namely "a "Second" language has social functions within the community where it is learned (e.g., as a lingua franca or as the language of another social group), whereas a "Foreign" language is learned primarily for contact outside one's own community ".  This opinion means that the second language has a function social in the society in which this is studied (for example, as the lingua franca or the language of other social groups), while foreign languages ​​are studied primarily for relationships outside the community itself.
Language is a means of communication between people. Through the language of the message and the intention to be conveyed by someone can be accepted and understood by others. Language has a very important role so that it can be said that language is an asset to carry on life. In Indonesia there are a variety of verbal languages ​​that characterize each ethnic group. As for dealing with people of different ethnic groups, a unifying language is Indonesian. As a unifying language, Indonesian is used in everyday life, especially in big cities where the community consists of various ethnic groups.

Local language education and Indonesian language have been taught in formal education. However, mastering these two languages ​​is not enough as a provision for dealing with global relationships. This is what underlies the birth of foreign language education in schools. One foreign language that is widely taught in formal education is English.

English education in schools is considered normal, especially in urban areas. English is a subject that must be taught in formal education. So that children who go to school can get an English education. At present there is also an English language course institute that helps teach English to the public with a variety of interesting methods offered. However, this course is still limited to urban areas. So that English education is not spread evenly to all regions in Indonesia.

Remote areas that are still little touched by education lack knowledge of English. The main factor behind this is the lack of teaching and learning media. English education seems to belong to the elite. Meanwhile, remote areas that still lack access to education are increasingly left behind and away from globalization, only because they do not master the language as a communication medium. Though this remote region usually offers natural beauty that invites foreign tourists to come. It can be imagined how if residents in these remote areas who lack English language knowledge are visited by foreign tourists. This is a real example that is happening in Indonesia now.

English education becomes an important thing to be taught to people in all walks of life. Therefore English education is not only for those who attend formal education, but also all people in various regions in Indonesia. This is seen from the condition of the Indonesian people who are part of a world country where one day we will be confronted with the world community. Especially in 2015 there has been a government program that is making Indonesia the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC). This program opens gates between countries in Southeast Asia. So that we are indirectly required to master international languages, one of which is English.

The focus of most people is how to teach English through formal education. Formal education that teaches English is also still lacking in application of the English material itself. It is sad when formal education still relies on learning methods that the percentage of theory is more than the percentage of practice, with an average of 80% theory and 20% practice. Even though language is basically a part of culture that must always be practiced in order to remain sustainable and exist in society.

Learning English is actually not only can be obtained from formal education, but also non-formal education. Through this non-formal education, English can touch all elements of society. In conducting non-formal English language education, people need to be instilled awareness about the importance of learning English. At present, non-formal institutions that teach English begin to develop, one of which is the Saung Inggris WE Academy which is an English language course institution that is affordable by various groups of people. This is a form of creativity and concern of the nation's children that makes it easy for people to get English education. Such institutions need to be appreciated and get the attention of the government so they can continue to grow.

There are various efforts that can be made to bring English to the community, especially those in remote areas. First, to socialize the importance of learning English by describing the benefits that can be obtained for himself, his region and his country. Second, approach the community for example by holding a cheap market. Activities that can invite interest from this community, can be interleaved with the use of English when communicating with the community. So step by steppeople are getting to know and finally like English. Third, teach English directly to the public. In this third effort, the community can be taught vocabulary in English for objects and adjectives that are often used in daily life. The essence of these efforts is the practice of English in life. So the ultimate goal is to create an English-speaking environment. The efforts made are expected to foster habits in society. When speaking English becomes a habit in the community, English culture can continue to be sustainable.

The use of English in social life does not mean shifting Indonesian as a national language. Indonesian remains a unifying language because it is one of our nation's identities. The English language can be used as a second language. Making English as a second language has also been done by our neighboring countries in Southeast Asia. This is a form of step forward in the nation's civilization.

The obstacle that is often encountered in English education is the fear in society that using English can erode national culture because it can make people leave their local language. This kind of thinking is narrow thinking. Because basically English is a language of communication that can connect us with people in other countries. If we isolate ourselves from English, it means we do not want to deal with other countries. On the contrary, English can actually help to preserve local languages ​​and promote our culture abroad.

Various benefits can be obtained by instilling English education for everyone. By mastering English, we can bring this nation forward in the economic, social, cultural, political and educational fields. Because it is undeniable that various information in the world today is presented in English, so that to be able to access it is very important to master English.

The benefits of mastering English in the economic field for example can expand the Indonesian economic market. Through good communication in English, sales of Indonesian products are not only limited to domestic, but also abroad. In addition, the advantages of Indonesia's tourism sector can be maximized, namely by presenting original tour guides from the area. So that the promotion of the tourism area will be maximized. As for its benefits in the field of education, namely, Indonesian students can study abroad so that they can broaden their horizons and knowledge.
The effort to promote English is certainly not as easy as turning the palm of the hand in implementing it. Therefore we need people who not only have expertise in English but also have a great willingness and enthusiasm to realize the goals of real English education namely Indonesian people who are active in English.


 English Education is one of the international languages ​​that must be taught in formal education.  However, English education is also important in the community, not only formal education taught in schools, but non-formal education also applies in the community especially courses that can help people master English.  There are various efforts that can be made to bring English to the community, especially those in remote areas.  First, to socialize the importance of learning English by describing the benefits that can be obtained for himself, his region and his country.  Second, approach the community for example by holding a cheap market.  Activities that can invite interest from this community, can be interleaved with the use of English when communicating with the community.  So step by step, the people are starting to get to know and finally like English.  Third, teach English directly to the public.  In this third effort, the community can be taught vocabulary in English for objects and adjectives that are often used in daily life.  The essence of these efforts is the practice of English in life.  So the ultimate goal is to create an English-speaking environment.  The efforts made are expected to foster habits in society.  When speaking English becomes a habit in the community, English culture can continue to be sustainable.

